The fact that Kubernetes is backed by Google lends legitimacy to the project. However, as of this date, the 2017 decision to make it freely available to the entire public has added additional hues.
Kubernetes is a container management system that aids in the administration of containerized programs in a variety of settings, including physical, virtual, and cloud. K8s is a highly adaptable platform for delivering sophisticated programs on clusters.
Kubernetes is also known as a container orchestration solution since it simplifies container administration and makes them more efficient and effective. This is often accomplished by streamlining the work of technical teams and replacing manual service deployment with automation of numerous procedures including the deployment itself.

It's available both on-premises and in the cloud. K8s are used in a variety of ways on a daily basis, including:

  • Hybrid and multi-cloud are two terms that come to mind when discussing cloud computing.
  • Platforms for serverless computing that are vendor independent.
  • Self-healing and scaling services are being deployed.

VSYS Managed Kubernetes is a product offered by VSYS (link- It's the easiest K8s ever, with several servers up and running in minutes with hourly charging.
Pricing of VSYS Managed Kubernetes - $50

Containers have undoubtedly become an important part of today's IT world, with some industry analysts predicting that they may soon overtake the lead. As a result, an increasing number of businesses are adopting containers, recognizing their benefits over traditional virtual servers/machines in terms of deployment and application development time.

However, managing thousands of containers quickly and effectively has become a difficulty, prompting the use of Kubernetes and Infrastructure as Code principles.

Infrastructure as Code is the notion of controlling infrastructures such as data servers, storage, and networks using code rather than manually running them.

In a nutshell, machine-readable files are utilized to verify the infrastructure, and the code is used to use the complete infrastructure. This makes it much easier to deploy or redeploy identical infrastructure wherever it's needed, making the DevOps team's life much easier to manage and the outcomes of their work more faster and more efficient.


Automated action isn't everything; a daily routine isn't enough to avoid upkeep. However, it takes time and often results in a stoppage in the operation of programs or gadgets. Users, on the other hand, will not tolerate any downtime, which is why datacenters strive for the highest feasible uptime guarantee, i.e., close to 100 percent.

Nonetheless, developers must devise techniques and strategies to do critical maintenance or upgrades without disrupting their services.

Isolated environments in containers have shown to be an effective solution. That includes everything the program requires to function properly. It also makes it simple for a developer to respond to and audit apps, resulting in increased productivity. Containerization has unquestionably become the preferred method for packaging, distributing, maintaining, and upgrading web-based software.