Pulsed Media Value1000 Seedboxes! Limited Number 6TB/1Gbps for 6.99€/Mo! From 5.49€ A Month For 1TB!

Pulsed Media Value1000 Seedboxes LET ONLY SPECIAL :O

We did a magnificent price cut on standard pricing as of late. Now let's sweeten the pot for 1 week promotion!

Value1000 series servers use 4x 8TB 7200rpm SATA RAID0 arrays, no redundancy, but thus maximized performance and capacity! :) These uses the old bread'n'butter servers we've used for many years now, sporting 6core opteron and 48GB of ECC RAM.

Quite low user number per server too since these are so large slots, and all current servers have only 4x8TB drives.

Bandwidth is now UNLIMITED internal as well! Meaning our DC internal bandwidth will never be limited. External bandwidth has some limits, but the Unlimited* is 60TB and is for fair share purposes, there are other users on the server too.

Let's begin with titled offer!

V1000 M: Recurring Discount of 50.01%
Limited quantity of only 30 available at this price point! Recurring, but only maximum 6month payment cycle, so no compounding with annual or longer payment cycle.

  • V1000 M: 6TB Storage, 6GB rTorrent Ram, 1Gbps, Unlimited* External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 13.99€ 6.99€ Per Month

V1000 Series: Recurring 15% discount on any payment cycle
Recurring, and any payment cycle. No limit on quantity, as long as stock lasts! Can be compounded with long term discounts. Price mentioned is for monthly cycle.

  • V1000 XS: 1TB Storage, 1GB rTorrent Ram, 1Gbps, 4 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 6.99€ 5.94€ Per Month
  • V1000 S: 4TB Storage, 3GB rTorrent Ram, 1Gbps, 20 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 9.99€ 8.49€ Per Month
  • V1000 M: 6TB Storage, 6GB rTorrent Ram, 1Gbps, Unlimited* External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 13.99€ 11.89€ Per Month
  • V1000 L: 8TB Storage, 8GB rTorrent Ram, 1Gbps, Unlimited* External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 16.99€ 14.44€ Per Month

Long term discounts compoundable: 5% for annual, 15% for 2 or 3 years.

Yes! You read that right! 8TB for just 14.44€ a month! ~1.81€/TB/Month! Now compound this with 2/3years discount it's only 1.53€/TB/Month! :O That's some amazing value right there.

Check them all out at: https://pulsedmedia.com/value1000-seedbox.php Price updates on checkout page.

Included are:

Extra info:

  • Green Datacenter operations
  • Datacenter Location: Helsinki, Finland
  • Some latency metrics: 20ms DECIX, 36ms OVH, 38ms Online, 0.4-0.6ms Cloudflare, 31ms Leaseweb, 36ms Redstation (UK), 23ms Hetzner (DE), 23ms Serverloft/PlusServer
  • Terms Of Service

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • IBAN/SEPA Wiretransfers
  • Crypto (BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, DOGE and many others.)