[Montreal] Get your idler in Montreal for as low as 3$/Month

Hello LowEndTalkers,

We know your obsession with lower prices and better specs (also called capitalism). Therefore we keep responding on our most bought products which tend to be low-end. So we have decided to go full-on low-end this time. This servers are not bad, they perform just average. No incredible downloads/uploads or bandwidth. Everything is just average (unlike our other products).

So who is this server useful for?
1. Looking for a low end server.
2. Looking for a lot of IP's.
3. Looking for raw RAM/CPU.
4. Idlers
5. Websites of mid-low traffic.
6. Looking for windows by bringing own license.

Who is this server not useful for?
5. People who use a lot of bandwidth
6. People who receive a lot of DDoS
7. Not Minecraft

Note: IP's get discount on longer terms. Costing up to 4 for $2.5/month on yearly purchases.

You also get extra promotional storage on semi-anual+ purchases.

Our offerings:

1.5 GB RAM
500GB Bandwidth
12 GB NVMe Storage** + 8 GB PROMO**
1vCPU @2.4Ghz
IPv4: 1
IPv6 : /80 Subnets
Price: 3$mo
Promo Price: 7$/Quarter
Promo Code: Montreal_1
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=154

1000GB Bandwidth
24 GB NVMe Storage + 8GB PROMO
2vCPU @2.4Ghz
IPv4: 1
IPv6 : /80 Subnets
Price: 5$mo
Promo Price: 10.5$/Quarter
Promo Code: Montreal_1
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=156

4.5 GB RAM
2000GB Bandwidth
36 GB NVMe Storage + 24GB PROMO
3vCPU @2.4Ghz
IPv4: 2
IPv6 : /80 Subnets
Price: 7.5$mo
Promo Price: 16$/Quarter
Promo Code: Montreal_1
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=157

Budget Business
IPv4: 5
IPv6 Subnet: /80
5000 GB Bandwidth
100 GB NVMe Storage + 50 GB PROMO
4vCPU @2.4Ghz
Price: 15.5$mo
Promo: 21$/Quarter (First Quarter Only)
Link: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=158

hidden promo: https://hosterlabs.net/panel/cart.php?a=add&pid=154 use promo "hey" on a yearly purchase to get 90% off. Only for one customer.

@1Gbps Up/Downlink
2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 V3 - 2.4Ghz 6 Core
128GB DDR4 ECC 2333Mhz
Location: Montreal Canada (NOT OVH)

I WILL BE PUBLISHING ONE OR TWO MORE OFFERS ON THIS POST DURING THE FOLLOWING DAYS. Not hidden though but limited stock and not in Montreal.