Inception Hosting - Stock clearance sale, UK+NL, its Black Friday all over again! [SUPER CHEAP] <3

Following the successful sale of Inception Hosting to Clouvider there has been some time allocated to doing an audit of available space and resources on the current hardware and there is a lot of space to fill (a good problem to have) on servers that are already running in profit so there is now a big sale on that stock.

Please understand this sale is just to clear up the irregularities and balance things back out within Inception Hosting before launching new hardware so you have the chance to grab an absolute bargain!

If you decide to order please ignore the specs shown after you click on the order link, they are all automatically upgraded to the specs in this advert automatically upon provisioning.

UK KVM - London

  • 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
  • 1 GB RAM (DDR4)
  • 30 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
  • 1 TB Transfer / month
  • 1 x IPv4
  • 1 x /64 IPv6
  • Free Direct admin license on demmand
  • Network test page:

Order Link
€15 /year

UK KVM - London

  • 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
  • 2 GB RAM (DDR4)
  • 50 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
  • 2 TB Transfer / month
  • 1 x IPv4
  • 1 x /64 IPv6
  • Free Direct admin license on demmand
  • Network test page:

Order Link
€25 /year

UK KVM - London

  • 2 CPU Cores (E3-1270v6)
  • 4 GB RAM (DDR4)
  • 70 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
  • 4 TB Transfer / month
  • 1 x IPv4
  • 1 x /64 IPv6
  • Free Direct admin license on demmand
  • Network test page:

Order Link
€45 /year

Netherlands KVM - Amsterdam (VERY LIMITED)

  • 2 CPU Cores (E-2278G)
  • 1 GB RAM (DDR4)
  • 30 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 1 gbit port speed (shared/ DDOS protection included)
  • 1 TB Transfer / month
  • 1 x IPv4
  • 1 x /64 IPv6
  • Free Direct admin license on demmand
  • Network test page:

Order Link
€15 /year

Special Offer Notes:

  1. There are no guarantees which node you will be placed on, while some flexibility can be extended where possible, it should not be expected.
  2. 1 Node has an E3-1270v5 rather than v6 and another node has E-2276G if you specifically wanted the E3-1270v6 and you don't get it as the assignment is random your move request to an E3-1270v6 will be granted.
  3. Due to the nature and reason for this specific sale being a unique one it is not possible to convert existing orders into this deal however all efforts to allow this sort of thing in the future will be made.
  4. The refund policy for these is strictly 48 hours from the time of the order being placed not the standard 14 days.
  5. On this rare occasion you can stack the offers (London Only) up to 8GB Ram total, CPU cores do not stack, IPv6 does not stack, open a ticket after purchase and before first OS installation to request this, requests for stacking after initial OS install will not be granted.

If you ever wanted a custom plan for London now is the best time to ask :) if it can be done it will be done however to save some time, for these servers 2vCPU's is the maximum :)