Heymman Servers has been offering the best deals on unmanaged dedicated servers since 2011.

Datacenter : NOCIX / Wholesale Internet in Kansas City, USA

Network : AS62164 and AS64236

Setup time : If no upgrade ordered, usually under 24 hours. With upgrades, usually under 72 hours.


Dual EPYC 7702 (128 cores / 256 threads @ 2.00 GHz, turbo @ 3.40 GHz), 512GB DDR4-2400 ECC RAM, 2TB NVMe SSD, 100TB bandwidth - $219/mo - ORDER HERE

  • Additional IP addresses : $0.60/mo
  • Additional 2TB NVMe SSD : $25/mo
  • Upgrade to 1Gbps unmetered : $50

Introducing the 2nd generation of AMD EPYC "Rome" processors. These remarkable systems take the crown of Intel, with nearly triple the performance and core count against the then popular dual E5-2699 v4. We offer them with top-of-the-line dual EPYC 7702 processors for a total of 128 cores / 256 threads and 512GB of DDR4 memory to match. At this low price, these are your perfect machines for heavy-duty virtualization. Get ready to turbo-charge your web hosting business or data crunching workload.

For more details and other great deals, visit our website at : https://www.heymman.com/