First week free: Hong Kong VPS (Mainland Optimized)

Hello everyone!
This is our first show at LET, and we hereby bring you cost-effective Hong Kong VPS!
(You know how high the cost of Mainland Optimized VPS in Hong Kong is.)

Hong Kong VPS (Mainland Optimized)
0.5 x Intel Xeon(R)
0.5 GB x ECC RAM
5 GB x Raid SSD

  • Public IPv4 Excluded
  • Sponsored Bandwidth

1.87 CNY (0.2867 USD) Weekly!!!

Please note:
We currently only support Alipay payment, and do not support refunds.
We sell at the lowest price so SLA is not guaranteed. (But we will try our best.)
Prohibited to be used for proxy, prohibit all illegal matters in mainland China, please refer to the user agreement for details.

Use coupon 17054a5f-e96c-4572-9ec1-23cd7595d1dc to get first week free! (Click the redeem button to redeem the coupon)

We provide port forwarding and self-developed Shield (used to proxy HTTP ports); of course you can purchase a dedicated IP if you need it.

OranMe Ltd. Wish you good health
TG Group:

(If there is something wrong with the post here, we are sorry and we will correct it immediately.)