IMPORTANT: Do not order with a proxy, VPN or any other kind of anonymous network. Your order will be rejected and we will not approve this manually.
Hello everyone!
I'm happy to announce the launch of our brand
What makes us different from the rest?
We have been around ever since 2018. The reason why it's so cheap is because we use our premium brands discontinued server hardware. We save both time and money doing this since we don't have to beat it with a bat and then throw it in the bin.
When you buy VPS plan 2 or higher we will ship a free boomer sticker to you (the logo) as long as you live in the US. This is quite high quality, we hired someone to draw it, color it etc based on the famous boomer from the best youtube channel ever,
The server location is in Dallas Texas. It's our discontinued server with new SSDs. We use Data Ideas as our colocation.
Here is our launch offer.
Boomer VPS
5GB SSD disk space
3600GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPv4 & IPv6
US$7.95/yr (about $0.66/month)
Order now
Zoomer VPS
10GB SSD disk space
7200GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPv4 & IPv6
Free Boomer sticker shipped to you (US only) Comment your OrderID and we'll ship it
US$12.95/yr (about $1.08/month)
Order now
Coomer VPS
15GB SSD disk space
10000GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IPv4 & IPv6
Free Boomer sticker shipped to you (US only)) Comment your OrderID and we'll ship it
US$18.95/yr (about $1.58/month)
Order now
Ping Test:
Setup Time - 1 hour. Need to manually verify order
Almost the general rules as our friend, @randvegeta over at Millenial.Host applies. No abuse of resources or any kind of abuse. Fair usage on CPU. Rule of thumb is, if it's ilegal, attract DDoS, then it's NOT okay! Abusers will be terminated without notice or refund.
Because our pricing is so cheap we will not offer any money back should you change your mind.
SMTP and all mailing ports are also blocked permanently
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Port Speed: 100MBit
You can choose Ubuntu 20.04 or Centos 7. We utilize OpenVZ 7