AMD EPYC SSD Powered KVM VPS > Amsterdam, NL > DDoS Protected > 25% OFF!

Clouveo are specialists in offering affordable, reliable, quality hosting solutions. Our parent company have been doing it successfully for the last 7 years! Try us out with this fantastic discount...

* AMD EPYC 7302P Processors @ 3GHz+
* RAID 10 SSDs
* DDoS Protected
* Free Snapshots
* Automatic Backups
* VNC Console
* Recovery Mode
* Custom ISOs
* IPv6 Included
* One Click Applications

Looking Glass/Test IPs:
Amsterdam, Netherlands

S1 Package:
1GB RAM | 20GB SSD Disk | 1 CPU Core | 2TB Monthly Bandwidth | 1 IPv4 | /80 IPv6
£2.62 / $3.38 Monthly with Promo Code KF996DIO1Y - ORDER HERE

S2 Package:
2GB RAM | 40GB SSD Disk | 2 CPU Cores | 4TB Monthly Bandwidth | 1IPv4 | /80 IPv6
£4.49 / $5.63 Monthly with Promo Code KF996DIO1Y - ORDER HERE

Click here to view all of our packages!

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments via PayPal, Debit/Credit Card (Stripe) and Crypto via Coinify.

What operating systems are offered?
Click here for a full list. You can upload and run from a Custom ISO as well.

Money back guarantee?
All of our packages are backed by a 14 day money back guarantee.

Can I upgrade/downgrade in future?
It's possible to upgrade at any time from within our client area - Downgrading is not offered at this time.

Are there any discounts?
Sure. Our pricing structure includes discounts as standard on longer billing cycles, pay Semi Annually and get 6 months for the price of 5, or Annually for 12 months for the price of 12. Equivalent to a 17% discount compared to our monthly pricing!

Clouveo is a registered sub-division of WebSound in the UK. VAT Number GB 203 0289 55.