offers web hosting cheaper than you can ever imagine. Larger Disk Space and Bandwidth than you can ever than you can think of. Are you looking to change providers? will match your current provider’s price and in most cases we'll even be able to offer you the same web space and bandwidth amount for less then you are currently paying!

*** SMART Plan ***
[-] 100 MB Space
[-] 10,000 MB Bandwidth
[-] US, UK, IN Server Locations
[-] Instant Activation
[-] Price: $0.50/month OR $5/Year

[S]*** Standard Plan ***
[-] 100 MB Space
[-] 10,000 MB Bandwidth
[-] 22++ Server Locations
[-] Instant Activation
[-] Price: $1.85/month

[A]*** Advanced Plan ***
[-] UNMETTERED Storage
[-] UNMETTERED Bandwidth
[-] 6+ Server Locations
[-] Instant Activation
[-] Price: $2.99/month

Payment Accepted: Perfect Money, Monero, Webmoney, Payeer, Dash, Crypto, Fasapay, ePay, CashU, Bitcoin, Skrill, Ethereum, NETELLER.

Included With Each Plan?

- WHM/Cpanel Control Panel
- Softaculous Auto Script Installer for Cpanel
- Fantastico Auto script Installer for Cpanel
- Instant Setup
- Free Pro-Active Monitoring
- Apache Webserver
- CloudFlare CDN
- 99.9% Uptime guarantee
- 24/7 Support via phone, ticket system, SMS or live chat
- Free Account Migration From Another Host
- CURL, ImageMagick, GD, PHP 5, MySQL 5, IonCube, Zend Optimizer and more!Instant Account Activation

Why choose

★ Uptime - 100% uptime is our top priority. We aim is to keep your site online and loading fast all the time!

★ Unlimited Features - We offer unlimited features (Ftp, databases, email accounts etc.) to allow you to make full use of your account space and bandwidth limits.

★ Low Prices - We own and manage our servers guaranteeing excellent pricing and support.

★ Automated software installs - All our servers come with softaculous or installatron to allow for instant Wordpress installs.

★ Account Backups - All accounts are automatically backed up daily, with the ability to retrieve the latest daily, weekly or monthly backups built into cPanel.

★ High Performance Servers - All servers have a minimum of 32GB RAM and SSD Cached drives. We also run the latest versions of PHP and Apache with CloudLinux for increased performance, security and server stability.
★Payment Accepted: Perfect Money, Monero, Webmoney, Payeer, Dash, Crypto, Fasapay, ePay, CashU, Bitcoin, Skrill, Ethereum, NETELLER.

If you have any sales questions, please contact us at:
Visit website at